Indian Sandalwood is a semi-root parasite that relies on host trees partially for its sustenance. We use selective breeding methods and natural forestry management procedures comprising silviculture and horticulture hosts to produce larger trees. Ultimately, greater yields of heartwood and oil with the help of productive host trees, which provide water and nutrients essential to the growth of sandalwood.

Sandalwood is a long-term crop requiring around 15 years of intensive and specialized cultivation. It is now proved that commercial growers around the world, under the cultivation with good host tree management (ensuring maximum tree nutrition intake) methods, can reach commercial maturity within 13-16 years. This also needs specialized irrigation, nutrient and inter-crop management.

Indian government law does not specifically prevent growing sandalwood trees in one’s own property. Only Karnataka State, there is ambiguity, however, it has been clarified, As per the Section 108 of the Karnataka Forest (Amendment) Act 2001, sandalwood tree grown in a specific land is the property of the owner of the land. The government is also providing a subsidy to grow sandalwood through State & Central Medicinal Plants Authority and Horticulture Department.

Sree vanam follows an Indian traditional farming model, where an investor owns the land, bears the infrastructure costs and Sree vanam does the cultivation and shares financial returns of the crop on an equal (50-50) basis.

Sandalwood is a hardy tree that can withstand dry conditions and is least susceptible to crop diseases. We select the most suitable sites for plantation based on good soil, water and environmental conditions. We use advanced micro-irrigation methods which conserve and deliver optimum water for trees. We administer natural methods for crop protection and nutrition. A multi-level fool-proof security system will prevent any theft.

The number of wild sandalwood forests on the decline. The demand for the product is increasing like never before. Today, sandalwood farms serve to offer a sustainable and legal source of sandalwood. They are a potential source of sandalwood oil while developing products that need a good quality of oil. A price-consistent supply will help limit volatility in price as compared to products sourced from the wild. Buyers can also rely on the purity of professionally grown and processed sandalwood products. This is a good way to produce sandalwood as there will be strict quality controls measures. Such environmentally friendly and socially responsible sandalwood production will limit the impact on the environment. The number of wild sandalwood forests on the declines, the demand for the product is ever increasing. Agriculture with Sandalwood would provide sustainable & legal source of sandalwood. Other benefits include: Reliable supply: to develop products using this high-quality oil. Stable market Price: consistent supply will help limit volatility in price as compared to wild sourced products. Purity :Buyers can rely on a purity of a professionally grown & processed sandalwood products. Improved & quality control: products can be produced under strict Quality Controls. Environment: Socially responsible, Eco-friendly sandalwood production with limited impact on the environment.

There is a great market demand and potential for sandalwood. Right now, India is importing Indian sandalwood from countries such as Australia. Sree vanam needs financial resources to cultivate large areas and fulfill the demand in India. Our expertise in commercial sandalwood cultivation took years to develop. If we have to cultivate only on our own land, we would be limited by our resources. However, with community farming we can cultivate larger areas for mutual financial benefit.

  • You get the ownership of the property.
  • The landowner get 50% of the profits from the farm produce.
  • From the 15th year the sandalwood will be harvested
  • You get to stay at guest house with family and friends.

After 15 years of investing, the investment will be seen as a good plan. This will result in a lush green farmland with guest houses. It will also consist of a good roads connecting each acre of land and giving independent access to the landowners. The most important aspect is that like-minded neighbours will get to live together It would be an ideal plan to get away from the concrete jungle – it’s a good post-retirement idea.

No, initial farm infrastructure, plantation, cultivation requires investment, apart from the basic investment of buying the farm. However, integrated inter-cropping will generate sustainable farm income to pay for farm operation and maintenance.

The registration/transfer is done on receipt of full payment.

An up-to-date copy of the layout and allocation will be made available at the time of registration and allocations are done on first-come-first-serve basis (without any prior reservations) to maintain a fair and transparent ownership.

Any construction in these fertile areas is prohibited till the sandalwood trees are harvested. You can construct structures after 15 years when the sandalwood is harvested. However, you can stay and have membership privileges at the community guest house at the farm.

As the owner, you are free to transfer/change the ownership. But then, the new owner must honour and comply with original farm cultivation agreement & terms. All costs that result from the transfer must be undertaken by the Sree vanam member or the new party.

The sandalwood harvest will bring the farming term of 15 years to an end. After harvesting and sharing the benefits with the invertors the land will be handed over to the respective owners.

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